Jesienna rekrutacja już zaraz!

Przed nami kolejna rekrutacja do Stowarzyszenia Studentów BEST Gdańsk!

Chcielibyśmy was gorąco zaprosić na jesienną rekrutację do naszego Stowarzyszenia!

The largest job fair at the Gdansk University of Technology. We give our partner the opportunity to use the widest group of GUT students and graduates, students - sources of research on the labor market in the near term.

The largest job fair at the Gdansk University of Technology. We give our partner the opportunity to use the widest group of GUT students and graduates, students - sources of research on the labor market in the near term.

The largest job fair at the Gdansk University of Technology. We give our partner the opportunity to use the widest group of GUT students and graduates, students - sources of research on the labor market in the near term.

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Articles: 7