Board of European Students of Technology Gdansk

BEST Gdansk is the most developed group and the highest active association located next to the Gdansk University of Technology.
Our members consist of students, who are representing all of the 8 college faculties in Gdansk University of Technology. Through organizing our projects, we bet on professionality and to fulfill our mission - development of students.

Student recipients
Hours on project finals

Our projects

For a long time we create projects on Gdansk University of Technology 

BEST Green Talk

BEST Green Talk to wyjątkowe wydarzenie, które w jednym miejscu gromadzi pasjonatów ekologii, innowatorów zielonych technologii oraz osoby działające na rzecz dobra planety.

BEST Courses

BEST Course is an event organized throughout the whole year where students from european technical universities get the chance to complement their fields of study, learn and take their first steps into an international career, increase their international experience, set up contacts, improve their English level and have fun.

BEST Coding Marathon

BEST Coding Marathon to wydarzenie programistyczne w formie Hackathonu, w trakcie którego uczestnicy w ciągu 24 godzin mają za zadanie zaprogramować rozwiąznie problemu z jednej z kategorii.

Engineering Job Fair

One of the biggest and prestigious projects organized by our association since 2008. Our main goal is to ensure various and diversified job offers for students of each faculty, with special emphasis on engineering fields of study.

Forum for Organization and Academic Associations

FOKA is a project which lasts one day and is a chance for most of associations and student research groups of our university to represent themselves in front of students. Its crucial goal is to share all the positive energy and motivation with the participants and show them how easy it is to find new interests, hobbies and passions at our university.

Working groups

Each event is full of elements that must be taken care of in order to ensure success. Working groups deal with various aspects of our projects!

Corporate Relations

handles contact with partners at our events. Telephone negotiations with company representatives, e-mail correspondence, creating cooperation offers or writing grants - these are the main fields in which the members of our association working in CR have a chance to develop. Maintaining healthy relationships and concluding contracts that both parties are most satisfied with are the main goals we pursue.

Human Resources

is a group responsible for spreading a smile and a good atmosphere among the members of our association. People who try their hand at HR have a chance to manage activities during our events - detailed schedules, coordination of organizers, precise planning of participants' time. Accuracy, composure, organization of one's own work and help in organizing the work of others are the elements guarded by every HR employee at BEST Gdańsk.

Public Relations

is a group responsible for our BEST image and the broadly understood promotion of our events!
People who are interested in operating under PR can count on development through the use of new technologies such as social media.
In this work group, we engage in the creation of promotional materials and develop skills in the field of media cooperation with other organizations and cooperating companies.


is the backbone of our association - the organization of the project! Members of this group work and develop in the area of ​​creating writings to university authorities and organization of the event by meeting its basic needs. People operating within the LG / IT group most often manage the project resources, ensuring that nothing is missing during its course. Contact with university authorities and making sure that everything works as it should - these are the main tasks of logistics.

But what can we offer You?

Self development!

Abourd trips!

New friends!

Study tours and integration trips through whole year!

A whole more is waiting for You!

Would you like to learn more and become part of one (or several!) working groups? Don't wait!