Ho we do things?

Every year we organize many large projects at the Gdańsk University of Technology aimed at various recipients. It is not easy to make sure that everything is fastened with the last button and that the Association works like a well-oiled machine. Here's how we do what we do!

What does it mean - to be in BEST?

Every year we organize many events taking place at the Gdańsk University of Technology. Our events are created from scratch by a group of people willing to organize an event, called the core-team.

The core-team is selected by the main organizer of the event, appointed by the members of the association BEST Gdańsk.
This way you will easily meet new friends and learn to work in a group of people with whom you have not had the opportunity to cooperate before!

When creating a core-team, the main organizer usually divides it into different roles that are responsible for the organization of different parts of the project. Examples of team roles are:

The main role of CR Coordinator is to maintain contacts with companies and encourage new ones to participate in our projects. CR Coordinator also creates cooperation offers for companies and acquires partners.

The PR specialist is responsible for the promotion of events by creating posters, leaflets and the use of social media, i.e. Facebook or Instagram to popularize the project. Part of the role of a PR specialist is also creating graphic designs needed for projects.

The role of Logistics Specialist is to organize the venue of the event, contact the university authorities and ensure the safety of participants. It is his job to make sure that everything is in its place and works as it should!

The HR specialist deals with the creation of project schedules, contacts the lecturers to cooperate with them on the event.
He also creates application forms and encourages the student body to participate.
It's up to You,which role you want to play! Do not be afraid to take on new challenges, our association is based on getting to know yourself and developing new skills. In BEST, you can always count on a helping hand and new members are motivated to take on new challenges!
Anna Zhurba
Vice-President for Human Resources

International BEST

The Board of European Students of Technology is an international non-profit organization, associating thousands of students of technical universities from 34 European countries. For 32 years, as BEST, we have enabled understanding, cooperation and exchange of experiences between students from all over Europe!
In addition, we provide the opportunity to integrate and develop in an international environment conducive to learning about various social and cultural aspects.

Our values

When creating our projects at the local and international level, we try to remember and always keep these 5 values ​​in mind.

Organizing projects is also an opportunity to learn to be flexible and adapt to the conditions of entrusted tasks

In addition to working hard on our own development and following our career paths, it is worth taking a break from time to time. Therefore, our motto: „Work Hard, Play Harder” perfectly reflects our mission.

BEST works like one organism. We are here for ourselves, so we try to act as one group of friends!
In Beest, the main driving force is - development , of course, both yours and ours.
By creating projects, we learn new skills and leave our own comfort zone, becoming a better version of ourselves!

Otwartość umysłu pozwala odkrywać nasz niewykorzystany potencjał i rozwijać się w stale zmieniającym się świecie.

XXII Zarząd BEST-u

These few people watch over our Association. They are the main contact with the University, the companies we work with, the international bodies of BEST. They ensure that the atmosphere and relations within the Association are at the highest level!


Martyna Cieciórska


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Marceli Grad



Nicolas Grdeń


Kopia _DSC0381
Vice-President for Human Resources

Anna Zhurba


Vice-President for Corporate Relations

Karol Korzeniowski


Vice-President for Public Relations

Jakub Giembicki


Another component of our work is the working groups

Each working group is chaired by one of the board members. They help him achieve his goals and are members of project teams dealing with specific aspects of event work.

Corporate Relations

Its leader is the Vice President for Corporate Relations. The members of this working group deal with networking and relationships with companies.

Public Relations

Its leader is the Vice President for Public Relations, and its members are responsible for the good image of our association and its promotion.


The leader of this group is the Secretary. It is responsible for the most basic organizational functions without which the event could not take place. 

Human Resources

The leader of this group is the Vice President for Human Resources. The members of this working group are responsible for a good atmosphere among members.